Category Archives: Moving

So Tired

Yesterday, I had to make up for the time lost to me by everything going wrong. I’ve got a few more things on my list for today, then I can rest. I may not do a damn thing this weekend but rest and enjoy my new home with Isabella.


Yesterday was one of those days when nothing went according to plan, and basically, if it could go badly, it did. i bit roadblocks with everything I had on my to do list. Finally, I just surrendered defeat, said, “Fuck it!”, and went home. By that time, I had a raging migraine. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I am praying today goes better, and I can get done what needs to be done. I have one more day in my lease and I want to get everything I can out of the old apartment and dispose of those things I want to throw away. This week just needs to end so that I am done for good with that old apartment and those horrendous landlords.

Finishing Up

All of the major items that needed to be moved were moved by the movers I hired. However, there were still some things I needed to get on my own, some stuff that I just need to throw away, and clothes that I need to donate. So, I rented a pickup truck and will use it to move things a bit easier than in my vehicle. I will use the truck to take the stuff that I just need to get rid of to the trash collector. I’ll also take some recycling there as well. As for the clothes, I will probably load them into my car and take them to a local thrift shop that is owned my the hospital here. I did not want to take the clothes to the Salvation Army, so a friend told me about the hospital’s thrift shop, so I will be taking the clothes there. I hope they’ll be useful for someone who needs them.

Then, there are a few last minute things that I need to get, such as cleaning out the refrigerator and getting my summer tires from the basement. Once that stuff is done, I should be finished, but it is going to be a busy day of taking things here, there, and yonder to finish my move. I can’t wait to be finished. I went by on Sunday and Monday to get some things, and after climbing up and down those stairs and going up and down the hill to the parking area, my thighs are incredibly sore. I’m just going to push through the pain and get it all done.

A Long Day

The movers came at 8 am and loaded everything on their truck, drove to my new apartment, and unloaded my stuff. The movers I hired were fantastic. They took great care of my stuff and were exceedingly nice. I did some unpacking yesterday and set up my new mattress, but it needs 24 hours to expand before it’s ready to sleep on. I was up late the night before getting the last few things done and ready for the movers. I was utterly exhausted and went to bed early last night.

When I moved to my last apartment, Isabella hid for nearly a week. She does not like change. Yesterday, she hid for about two hours and has been roaming around exploring ever since. She eventually settled down and found some place to curl up and sleep for a while. A cat has to have her naps. She seems to really like the new place and so do I.

Moving Day

Today is moving day. The movers will be here at 8 am. Hopefully, it won’t take them all day to get me moved. I was up very late last night getting the last little bit packed. I’ll be so glad when all this is over and I’m completely moved into my new apartment.

The Trials and Tribulations of Moving Prep

No matter how diligently you plan or how prepared you think you are, things rarely go as smoothly as they should. Moving prep has been no exception. Last Friday a week ago (March 25th), I emailed my new apartment manager with questions about setting up the electricity in my name. I could not call her as the only phone number I had went directly to automatic voicemail. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday came and went with no response. I emailed again on Tuesday. With no response by Thursday (March 31st), I took it upon myself to call the power company to set up my account with the hope I was doing the right thing. It turned out this was an easy process. After a five-minute conversation, I had power set to turn on the morning of the next day, April 1st, the day my lease began.

That same morning, I finally received a reply from the apartment manager. She said she had seen my email from a week ago and had tried calling and texting but had not gotten a response from me. I emailed that I had not received any texts or phone calls and gave her my personal phone number just to clarify. It turned out she had been leaving messages and texts on my office phone while I had been on vacation! I also told her I had already taken care of the electricity, and it should have been turned on that morning.

She called a few minutes later. Apparently, things were not going as planned on her end. The previous tenant had not moved out on the date she’d given as her vacate notice. There was a problem with the apartment where the old tenant was moving, and she decided to stay a few extra weeks without telling anyone. When she finally did move out, she had left some furniture that needed to be removed. Also, it quickly became apparent that one or both of her cats had been urinating on the carpet in the second bedroom. The apartment company had shampooed the carpets and was shampooing them again that morning trying to get the smell out of the carpet.

As you know, I had planned to go by the apartment on Friday to move in a few things especially into the second bedroom. That was not possible now. The apartment manager asked me to come by on Sunday (I had to work Saturday) to verify whether I could smell urine in the second bedroom. If the smell was still there, they would remove the carpeting, reseal the floor underneath, and lay down new carpeting. She assured me that my planned move-in day of April 6th was still good, but the second bedroom might not be completely ready if the carpeting needed replacement. I did go to the apartment yesterday. There was a strong odor of cat urine in the second bedroom. I told the apartment manager the carpet would need to be replaced. They are ripping out the old carpet today. She is scheduling the carpet people to come as soon as they can to lay the new carpet.

The rest of the apartment is in pretty good shape. I measured everything so I could decide ahead of time where I want to place my furniture. I will have to buy new blinds for the windows. The ones that are there will not do. The apartment’s maintenance person will install all the blinds; I just need to buy them. I set up the wi-fi and cable box although the cable box installation won’t finish until I bring in my TV. Otherwise, the apartment is move-in ready for this Wednesday.

All that’s left now is finishing packing up my current apartment. To be continued…


I can be the world’s worst procrastinator. Sometimes, that’s because of my migraines, but other times it can be just plain laziness. I know I have things that I need to do to get my apartment packed up, but I was too lazy this weekend to get much of it done. I did pack a few boxes, but mostly, I watched movies and television shows. I will start packing in earnest today. I just have to make myself do it and pack one room at a time until I get everything boxed up and ready for the movers. The movers will be here at 8 am on April 6. That should give me plenty of time to get all of the packing done.

A Good Report

I went to see my doctor yesterday. It turned out to be a really good visit. My A1C has dropped to 5.2. I have been taking Metformin and Jardiance for my diabetes, however, because I seem to respond better to the Jardiance than I ever did to the Metformin, he dropped the Metformin. Also, I’d lost another five pounds since I saw him on February 14. We also talked about my anxiety triggers: work, family, and moving. I told him about how bad Tuesday’s panic attack was, and he prescribed me some Xanax for when I need it. At the maximum, he only wants me to take two a week. I’ve taken Xanax before because I used to have panic attacks when I flew, but as I have flown quite a bit since moving to Vermont in 2015, it doesn’t bother me as much. He told me that if the anxiety increases, he can increase my antidepressant, but hopefully, things will settle down once I move.

My weekend is going to be pretty busy. Besides packing over the weekend, tonight, I am going to see a production of Chicago my university is doing. Chicago is one of my favorite musicals, and I fondly remember going to see it on Broadway with Susan when I went down to NYC for Thanksgiving and my birthday in 2019. Tomorrow night, I have another date with the guy I saw last week. If all goes as planned, he’s going to cook me dinner. I can’t wait. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been on a second date with anyone? It’s never happened while I lived in Vermont. Sunday should be a day for laundry and packing.


I’ll be moving into my new apartment in the first week of April, and I’m starting to pack up my current place. I’m going to go room by room. I started with the spare bedroom yesterday. I got most everything packed except for my clothes that are stored in there. I have way too many clothes anyway, and I need to get rid of what no longer fits, the larger clothes that I hope to never fit into again, and what I know I’ll never wear again. I need a smaller wardrobe. Most of the stuff I have, I no longer wear, and it needs to go. I’ll pack it up and take it to Goodwill or the Salvation Army for donation.

Once the spare bedroom is packed, I’ll probably move on to the living room and dining room. The dining room doesn’t have much in it. I’d planned to buy a table after I moved in, but I never got around to it. I was going to go with some friends and look at secondhand stores to see what was available, but now I’m going to wait until I move and see if I can find a small breakfast table that will fit nicely in the dining area of my new apartment. There will be a few things I’ll need for the new apartment, but it shouldn’t be too bad.

I have today and tomorrow off, so I’ll continue to pack and get prepared to move.