Category Archives: Isabella

Books, Books, Books

When I saw the picture above, I was reminded of a used bookstore that was in the small town where I live. Sadly, it could not survive the pandemic. I had hoped it would reopen, but the last time I drove by there, weeds had grown up all around the old Victorian house that was home to the bookstore. I don’t know what has happened to the books, but it was one of my favorite bookstores anywhere. The bookshelves were floor to ceiling and filled with books on nearly every subject and in the corners books that didn’t fit in the stacks were stacked next to the bookshelves. There were books everywhere. The organization was not the usual bookstore categories, but it was fun to wander around and look at what was there. The store also sold vintage posters and postcards. I even found a postcard of Montgomery, Alabama, which showed the downtown fountain made famous by Zelda Fitzgerald dancing in late one night when she was dating F. Scott Fitzgerald. You never knew what you’d find in the store. I always went away with too many books and having spent more money than I’d planned to spend. And as you left the store, there was another set of shelves holding books that were given away for free. It was an amazing store, and one I had looked forward to patronizing when I moved to my small town, but alas, like so many businesses, it could not survive the lockdown necessary during the pandemic. It was not able to adapt online, mainly because I’m not sure the owners even knew all the books they were selling.

Nonetheless , when it was open, it was so much fun and fascinating to wander through the store for unexpected finds. I loved the travel section the most. While I never finished my PhD dissertation, my interest in nineteenth century travel was still strong. This bookstore always had a wide selection of nineteenth century travel books and journals. A lot of people who went abroad would write about their experiences and have them published. It was a popular genre at the time when most people did not travel very far from home. Plus, I love old books. If you remember the picture of Isabella below, you’ll see some of those travel books on the shelf above her.

Creatures of Habit

Cats are often a creature of habit. some have their routines, and they stick to those routines very closely. Back when I was teaching in Alabama, my previous cat, Victoria, and I had our afternoon routines. She used to sit in an upstairs window watching and waiting for me to come home, then when I opened the door, she’d be sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for me.

This was her perfect vantage point for seeing through the window above the front door, and there she would wait. Occasionally, she’d come down the stairs to greet me, but more often than not, she would sit there and wait for me to come upstairs. I would be so exhausted from teaching, and she wanted me to come upstairs and take a nap with her. I’d go upstairs and to lie on the bed and take a nap; she’d come lie down beside me so that the bottom half of her body was by my side and the upper half would be lying across my chest. Them, we’d take a nap. She would get quite upset if I did not take my nap with her in the afternoon. Although, she had one unbreakable rule, I had to keep a shirt on. She hated laying on naked skin. Go figure.

Isabella has her habits too. She wants me to get up around 4 am to feed her, which I admit often annoys me. However, she realizes when I really need a little extra sleep, and in those days, she can be a bit more patient. But that’s not her only habit. She too will greet me at the door when I come home. She’ll also demand where I should be at what time of the evening. If I go into my bedroom before 9:30 pm, she comes and taps my arm to try to get me to go back into the living room. However, if I stay in the living room past 10 pm, she does the same thing, but wants me to go into the bedroom and go to bed.

We also have another routine each morning. I always thought it was really just for me, but I realize yesterday morning, that it’s become part of her routine. Each day as I’m leaving for work, she’ll be lying on her pile of blankets, and I’ll walk up to her, scratch her on the head and say, “Bye bye, Isabella. I have to go to work. Be a good girl today.” Yes, I know it’s silly, but it’s what I do. And each day as I say it, she looks up at me and meows like she’s telling me to have a good day. More likely it’s to say, you better come home on time. Yesterday morning, she was not on her blanket, and I wasn’t quite sure where she was, though I’d seen her only a few minutes before. So, I said to the room, “Bye bye, Isabella. Be a good girl.” I was not expecting a response, but she came running up to me and meowed. Where she came from, I don’t know, but I reached down and scratched her head. A few minutes later (I have a blink camera so I can check in on her while I’m not at home), she crawled up onto her blankets and went to sleep.  I thought it was kind of sweet that she was afraid she’d miss me telling her goodbye yesterday morning. 

Anyway, here’s your Isabella pic of the week

Thursday Morning

When I woke up this morning, I fed Isabella, made breakfast, and since it’s Thursday, I watched the new episode of Star Trek: Discovery. It’s a show I can’t multitask while watching, so I didn’t have much time to write a post. By the way, I think Discovery saved the best season for its last season. So far, I’ve enjoyed it more than any other season. I hope that continues.

Well, that’s it for today, have a great Thursday. Here’s your Isabella pic of the week:

In this picture, she’s staring at a robin. Of all the birds and wildlife around where I live, she only pays attention to one other animal: a robin. She’s obsessed with them. If I have a window open, and she hears a robin, she runs to the window as fast as possible. When I took this picture, she and a robin were having a staring contest. It seemed to go on forever until the robin got bored and flew away.

Total Eclipse of the Heart

I didn’t know it at the time, but an event occurred on this day eight years ago that would change my life. Somewhere in Maryland, a small black kitten was brought into this world. For whatever reason, she and her brothers and sisters were taken to a shelter. Around two months later, she was taken north to an animal shelter in Vermont where they gave her the name Bridget. Two months and ten days after her birth, a very sad man walked into that shelter, saw her hiding under a chair, and fell in love with the little black furball he found there. If you haven’t guessed I was than man, and that little black furball hiding under a chair was Isabella.

When I adopted Isabella, I was suffering from the worst depression of my life. A little over six months before, I’d lost a very important person in my life to a tragic car accident. Susan helped me through that terrible time, but she lived/lives in New York City, or Manhattan as she’d correct me. However, I was alone in Vermont, and I had never felt so alone in my life. The song referenced above (and yes, it came to mind because of the total eclipse today) begins with the lyrics:

Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears

That pretty much described me eight years ago.

But, Isabella and her love came into my life. It didn’t take her long to get comfortable in her new surroundings, and she began following me all around my apartment. She still prefers to be in the same room where I am. Isabella became a great comfort to me. She’s never been cuddly except laying on my hip and just being near me, but there are times when she looks at me so lovingly, it warms my heart. I’m not sure I’d have survived if I had not adopted that little black kitten named Bridget (that name had to go immediately, my cats are always queens and while there was a 12th century queen of Sweden named Bridget she was a queen consort, not a queen in her own right like Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom or Queen Isabella of Castile).

The picture above of Isabella as a kitten was taken the day I adopted her. The pictures below were taken in the days and weeks after her adoption.

“Let’s Fly”

Star Trek: Discovery’s final season began being released today with episodes 1 and 2. I watched episode 1 as soon as I got up this morning. And it shows a lot of promise for the season. I’ll watch episode 2 tonight. This season already has certain ties to both TNG and DS9

Although, I haven’t always loved Discovery, it is often fun to watch. It has also been the most LGBTQ+ progressive Star Trek series ever. It has included a married gay couple as main characters, a lesbian who was widowed during the Klingon War, and a transgender and a non-binary character. I’ve especially liked that the creators did not make a big deal out introducing LGBTQ+ characters. It’s been groundbreaking Star Trek series in many ways, and I’ll miss its progressiveness of the series.

If you’re curious about this post’s title, all Star Trek captains have phrase for telling their ship to move out: Picard’s was “Engage,” Captain Pike’s is “Hit it!,” and Captain Burnham (Discovery) is “Let’s fly!”

And here’s your weekly Isabella pic:

She enjoys keeping an eye on things from the top of the kitchen cabinets.

Slept In

I went to bed at 11 pm last night after I finished a book I was reading (A.J. Truman’s Out of Bounds, the 7th and last of his Browerton University Series). Isabella woke me a little after 4 am, and since I knew she would not give up until I fed her, I got up, fed her, and went back to bed. Since I’m working from home today and tomorrow, I was able to sleep until 5:30. As I write this, I haven’t fully woken up, but I’ll get there before I need to set up my laptop and start work by 7:30 am. 

I’m a bit sore from the Botox injections yesterday, but everything went fine. I’m hoping it continues to help.

A Thursday Isabella Picture

Disgustingly Shameful

Yesterday, the governor of Alabama made ignorance a requirement at public universities in her state. Gov. Kay Ivey signed SB129, known as the “divisive concepts” bill, into law Wednesday. The law will become effective Oct. 1, 2024. The law lists eight so-called “divisive concepts,” with most covering topics related to race, ethnicity, sex, religion and national origin. 
A dumbass Republican state senator from Pike Road, Alabama, Will Barfoot, introduced the bill. (By the way, Pike Road is not even a real town. It fought to be declared a city because a bunch of rich racist white people didn’t want to be part of the city of Montgomery, so the took Montgomery to court to keep from being part of a city that was as diverse as Montgomery.) Barfoot stated nothing in the legislation prevents the accurate teaching of history. Educators who knowingly “compel” students to believe certain banned ideas, however, could be terminated or disciplined at the discretion of college and school board leaders.
In other words, any professor could be fired for teaching diversity, education, and inclusion, or DEI. That being the case, no public institution in Alabama should be allowed to call themselves a university. The word university (from the Latin universitas meaning ‘a whole’) is derived from the Latin phrase universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means “community of teachers and scholars.” How can any institution have a  “community of teachers and scholars” without teaching diversity? It’s insane, ignorant, and, above all, hateful. 

I hope my undergraduate institution, which is in Montgomery, will find a way to fight or ignore the new law. It was always a liberal institution, and a core aspect of my history degree was studying the Civil Rights Movement which began in Montgomery. It’s a sad and depressing day when a university is no longer allowed to teach the “whole” of the knowledge available. Censorship like that found in SB129 is one step closer to a dictatorship. 

I am ashamed of my home state. Vermont isn’t perfect either, but at least it is welcoming to all kinds of people.

And now, to bring a little levity to this discussion, I wanted to show you that at least Isabella is not scared of a little knowledge.

Furry Friday

Today is my work from home day. It couldn’t have come soon enough this week, while I have a few things to work on, it should be an easy day. It will just be Isabella and me staying in and keeping dry. We are expecting a rainy Friday here. Speaking of Isabella, here’s one of my favorite pics of her:

Such a curious girl!

We’ll See…🤞

Amazingly, Isabella seems to have turned a new leaf since the new year and has not been so persistent in waking me up early. Partly, I think it’s because I came in so late after being out for New Year’s Eve that it threw off her schedule. Yesterday, she also let me sleep in and let me wake up on my own a little after 5 am. This morning, she not only did not wake me (a bad dream did that), but she let me sit in the side of the bed for a bit before she began nudging me to get up and feed her. I hope I haven’t jinxed myself, and this will continue. We’ll see how it goes.

This morning, I’m headed over to New Hampshire for my next Botox treatment for my migraines. I still miss my old neurologist and am a bit apprehensive about seeing a new person, but that won’t be until March. Today, I’ll be seeing a new person who’ll administer my Botox injections. The one who did it before was a lot slower than my previous neurologist had been, and thus, it was more painful. We’ll see how it goes today. 

Lastly, I’ve decided to take this whole week as vacation time (though today will count as a sick day). Everyone else took time off before the holiday, but I had to stay at the museum because someone had to do it. Therefore, I decided to extend my holiday a few more days. I don’t have any particular plans, though I was hoping to see a friend that I’ve been trying to make the time to see, but so far, our schedules just haven’t matched up. We’ll see how if that will happen.

Some Days

Some days I wake up and ask myself, “Can’t I just stay in bed? Do I actually have to deal with people today?” Of course, the answer is that no matter much I may want the answers to be different, the answers are almost always “No, you can’t” and “Yes, you do.” 

So, I drag myself out of bed and feed Isabella who had provided the answers for the earlier questions, but for slightly different reasons. She answers the first question with, “Meow meow MEOW,” which translates to, “Feed me NOW!” She answers the second question with “Meow meow meow…” which translates to, “You have to go to work so I can go back to sleep and you can earn the money to be able to feed me.”

Yes, I’m being silly, but some days that happens when it’s too early in the morning.