Category Archives: Politics


“The painful part of being a queer kid is not in the knowing you’re queer, it’s in the not knowing. You know you’re different but you don’t know why. The other kids know you’re different too, in fact, they never let you forget it. But no one gives you a language for it. No one gives you a mirror. And so you just sit there, quietly, being different. Not fitting. Trying to be invisible. And so you are, truly, alone.”

I recently saw the above quote, and sadly, I don’t know who said it. However, if you grew up LGBTQ+, and I know most of you did, you can probably identify with this. I didn’t understand how I was different when I was young, I just knew that everyone said so. I also knew I was attracted to guys, but I “knew” I wasn’t supposed to be and kept telling myself that I just admired how they looked or acted and wished I was the same way. I had no words for it because either no one spoke about gay people or it was such an awful thing that it never occurred to me that I was that way too. 

Growing up, there was never even the slightest question as to whether I would go to college. No one could imagine I wouldn’t. The same was true about being gay. It was never something that I contemplated I could be. Kids used to call me gay, a fag, a queer, or a sissy, but I never thought any of those words pertained to me. They were just insults and hurtful. They made fun of the way I talked, walked, or moved my hands. Other kids made all of this sound so awful. I knew I was different, but I didn’t have the words to express how I was different. I think I knew that I didn’t want to be gay, a faggot, a queer, or a sissy. I also didn’t know how to change the way sound of my voice, how I walked, or my hand gestures. I tried, but to deepen my voice, it hurt my throat. Trying to walk more “manly” or not be expressive with my hands were done so unconsciously that it was a struggle to concentrate on not moving the way I moved.

Knowing I was different resulted in a few things that shaped my life. It made me incredibly shy and quiet, two things I’ve somewhat grown out of, though I can still be shy and quiet with people I don’t know. Being different and bullied caused a lifelong struggle with depression. It also encouraged me to hide in the world of books and to bury myself into studying. I read constantly, and I always made sure I got the best grades. Being smart though was a blessing and a curse. It was praised by some, but others just used it as another way to prove I was different. However, being smart was going to be my ticket out of my small hometown. They could make fun of me for being smart, but I never felt ashamed of that.

I didn’t begin to understand how I was different until college. I was able to do research on the internet. I could read books in private that helped me understand. I think one of the turning points was when I took an “Intro to Psychology” class. I can’t say I learned a lot from that class, but the professor allowed us to submit anonymous questions that he’d take time at the end of class to answer. Someone, and it was not me, asked, “How do you know if you’re gay?” The professor said that the subconscious mind can tell us a lot about ourselves, so think about what you dream. He said to ask ourselves what we dreamed at night. When we dreamed about a romantic partner or sex, was it about someone of the opposite or same sex? It made me think and to realize that I had never once in my memory dreamed of being with a girl. It was always a guy.

Many southern states are enacting “Don’t Say Gay” laws which prohibit teachers in elementary (and sometimes secondary) schools to discuss anything LGBTQ+. They are also banning books in libraries that discuss diversity. They are removing any of the resources kids need to understand why they are different and so alone. LGBTQ+ kids are more likely than straight kids to take their own life. If they could have a teacher they could talk to, adults who discussed with kids the diversity of sexuality, or the library had books a kid could read to help them understand, then maybe they’d realize they weren’t alone. If they saw that “Gay Is Ok,” then maybe they wouldn’t be so distraught and take their own life once they figured out why they are so different. I’d say that I don’t understand why homophobic politicians can’t see that they are killing kids by censoring what they can learn, but they wouldn’t care. These politicians tell themselves that if they keep kids ignorant of who they are, they can prevent them from being different. It doesn’t work that way. Instead, it harms these kids because they don’t understand or have the words to understand their feelings. I wish they would understand that this causes kids to harm themselves, but I also realize that these same politicians don’t care. If LGBTQ+ kids take their own life, then it’s one less person who doesn’t conform to their narrow minded beliefs.

Education, empathy, and understanding are some of the most important needs of young people. Those who are different and are forced to hide their true selves need to know that there is nothing wrong with them. 

Disgustingly Shameful

Yesterday, the governor of Alabama made ignorance a requirement at public universities in her state. Gov. Kay Ivey signed SB129, known as the “divisive concepts” bill, into law Wednesday. The law will become effective Oct. 1, 2024. The law lists eight so-called “divisive concepts,” with most covering topics related to race, ethnicity, sex, religion and national origin. 
A dumbass Republican state senator from Pike Road, Alabama, Will Barfoot, introduced the bill. (By the way, Pike Road is not even a real town. It fought to be declared a city because a bunch of rich racist white people didn’t want to be part of the city of Montgomery, so the took Montgomery to court to keep from being part of a city that was as diverse as Montgomery.) Barfoot stated nothing in the legislation prevents the accurate teaching of history. Educators who knowingly “compel” students to believe certain banned ideas, however, could be terminated or disciplined at the discretion of college and school board leaders.
In other words, any professor could be fired for teaching diversity, education, and inclusion, or DEI. That being the case, no public institution in Alabama should be allowed to call themselves a university. The word university (from the Latin universitas meaning ‘a whole’) is derived from the Latin phrase universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means “community of teachers and scholars.” How can any institution have a  “community of teachers and scholars” without teaching diversity? It’s insane, ignorant, and, above all, hateful. 

I hope my undergraduate institution, which is in Montgomery, will find a way to fight or ignore the new law. It was always a liberal institution, and a core aspect of my history degree was studying the Civil Rights Movement which began in Montgomery. It’s a sad and depressing day when a university is no longer allowed to teach the “whole” of the knowledge available. Censorship like that found in SB129 is one step closer to a dictatorship. 

I am ashamed of my home state. Vermont isn’t perfect either, but at least it is welcoming to all kinds of people.

And now, to bring a little levity to this discussion, I wanted to show you that at least Isabella is not scared of a little knowledge.


Is it nostalgia for a time when America was “great” or a return to a time when hate was the driving force in American politics? I’m talking about the Republican Party, or at least those who blindly follow the Cult of Trump. These cultist, and let’s face it, it is a cult, at least a cult of personality, want to turn back the clock, not just to elect Trump to the presidency again, but to spread their belief in hate against immigrants, the LGBTQ+, women, etc. They keep saying that they want to go back to a “more innocent time” and “Make America Great Again,” i.e. MAGA. The problem, there never was a “Great.” What they mean is to go back to oppression, back to a segregated America, back to a time when only white, “Christian” (Protestant, not Catholic) men were in charge of oppressing those they deem unworthy of freedom and prosperity. Instead of being horrified by Trump using the same words as Adolf Hitler in the 1930s, they celebrate it. Maybe they would not go as far as genocide, but they do want to force their cruelty on others. There were many Germans who claimed not to know what the Nazis were doing or had no knowledge of the Holocaust. The only way this claim could have ever been true is through willful ignorance. They did not want to know, so they ignored all the signs.

Leni Riefenstahl, a German director, producer, screenwriter, editor, photographer, and actress known for producing Nazi propaganda, is a prime example. She followed Nazi ideology and was one of its most effective promoters of its ideology with her propaganda films Triumph of the Will (1935) and Olympia (1938). After the war, Riefenstahl was arrested and found to be a Nazi “fellow traveler,” but she was not charged with war crimes. Throughout her later life, she denied having known about the Holocaust, and was criticized as the “voice of the ‘how could we have known?’ defense.” Shortly before she died in 2003, Riefenstahl voiced her final words on the subject of her connection to Hitler in a BBC interview: “I was one of millions who thought Hitler had all the answers. We saw only the good things; we didn’t know bad things were to come.”

Like the Trumpists of today, Riefenstahl hid her head in the sand because as long as Hitler was effective in his oppression, she believed his lies, or at least wanted to believe. The same is true of the MAGAts who follow Trump. He continues to spread lies that he won the 2020 election, when he did not even come close to winning. He had claimed he had a huge victory against Hillary Clinton in 2016, when in 2020 he lost to Joe Biden by the same number of electoral votes as Clinton was defeated by. Any rational person knows, Trump did not come close to winning, yet they stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, to follow Trump’s pleas for an insurrection because of “widespread voter fraud.” The only cases of voting fraud that have been discovered were actually committed by Republican voters. 

Their willful ignorance is making Trump the leading Republican presidential candidate. There are dissenters in the Republican Party, or Nikki Haley would not have done as well as she did in yesterday’s New Hampshire primary, but the majority are blindly following Trump’s lies and hateful speech. If (God forbid) Trump is elected again, how many will one day echo the words of Riefenstahl and say, “I was one of millions who thought Trump had all the answers. We saw only the good things; we didn’t know bad things were to come”? It will never excuse their campaign of hate and bigotry in their false claims of “making American great again.”

Lifting Up Others

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”

— Booker T. Washington

I wish more people would remember this. Too many people only want to tear people down to make themselves feel better. They know that if they can keep people they deem unworthy down, they can stay in power. Republicans are currently doing everything they can to discredit people who cherish equality. They use their political positions to take away the rights of others, especially the right to vote and representation in the government.

Alabama has been gerrymandering the districts of the legislature and Congress to make sure they remain in power. Thankfully, the federal courts, backed by the Supreme Court, has ordered Alabama to create a second minority majority district. Growing up in Alabama, I lived in the 2nd Congressional district and have also lived in the 7th Congressional district, which has traditionally been the only minority majority district in the state. I am very happy that the courts seem to be ordering that the 2nd Congressional district be redrawn to also be a minority majority district. While I hope to never live in Alabama again, especially in either the 2nd or 7th Congressional districts, I am glad that they are very likely to both be represented by Democrats.

Liberty v. Power

The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

William Hazlitt

William Hazlitt (10 April 1778 – 18 September 1830) was an English essayist, drama and literary critic, painter, social commentator, and philosopher. In the above quote, Hazlitt makes a point that is relevant today as it was over 200 years ago when he was alive. As we see more and more right wing politicians striving for greater power by taking away the liberty of those they deem unworthy or a threat to their power. They attack those who are most vulnerable: transgender youth (and all other LGBTQ+ people), immigrants, minorities, and the list grows on and on. It’s not just Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and their followers, but this trend towards a 21st century fascism is on the rise around the world.

Thomas Paine began his pamphlet The Crisis with these famous words, “These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

The right wing politicians are definitely “summer soldier and the sunshine patriot.” They wrap their undemocratic laws and policies in the name of protecting democracy, yet they are really trying to destroy democracy. The greatest threat is that if they come to power, their tyranny will “not easily conquered.” The more laws they pass and the more the courts side with these policies, the harder it will be to undo the damage.

We Need Books!

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” 

― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (1997)

In his 1997 book The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan warned us about the “dumbing down” of America. He warned of a time when our “critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…” Sadly, Sagan’s prediction is coming true, and that time is upon us. We must do all we can to prevent that darkness from taking hold. In his book Cosmos, Sagan wrote, “Our passion for learning … is our tool for survival.” We will perish as a nation and lose any freedom we have if we allow this “dumbing down” of America to persist.

Last month, Montana withdrew from the American Library Association (ALA). A few days ago, a Texas state commission will disassociate with the progressive American Library Association following accusations that it pushes Marxism and gender ideology through children’s literature. A right-wing group of women in Alabama calling themselves “Clean Up Alabama” are advocating that the Alabama Republican party push to disassociate with the ALA. Republican officials in at least seven other states (Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Wyoming) are also pushing to completely withdraw from ALA.

The ALA provides member libraries with resources and benefits like discounts on professional development, insurance and employment aid, continuing education, and other programs. They also provide a code of ethics for librarians, and we all know that many Republicans, especially those loyal to Donald Trump, do not believe in codes of ethics. They are no longer satisfied with banning books and classes that teach about LGBTQ+ and other minority histories. They want to get rid of the libraries that keep and lend them, too. Right-wing extremists are on the march to destroy the intellect of America.

In the 1930s, the German Student Union began a campaign to ceremonially burn books in Nazi Germany and Austria. The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism. These included books written by Jewish, half-Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist, and sexologist authors among others. The initial books burned were those of Karl Marx and Karl Kautsky, but came to include very many authors, including Albert Einstein, Helen Keller, writers in French and English, and effectively any book incompatible with Nazi ideology. In a campaign of cultural genocide, books were also burned en masse by the Nazis in occupied territories, such as in Poland. Today, the Far Right and Christian Conservatives are wanting to ban books that were written by African Americans, LGBTQ+ authors, communist, socialist, anarchist, and liberal, authors among others. They may not be burning books (although some actually are), but they are taking them out of circulation in libraries and schools.

Sinclair Lewis First published It Can’t Happen Here, in 1935, when Americans were still largely oblivious to the rise of Hitler in Europe. The prophetic novel tells a cautionary tale about the fragility of democracy and offers an alarming, eerily timeless look at how fascism could take hold in America. In the book, Doremus Jessup, a Vermont newspaper editor, is dismayed to find that many of the people he knows support presidential candidate Berzelius Windrip. The suspiciously fascist Windrip is offering to save the nation from sex, crime, welfare cheats, and a liberal press. But after Windrip wins the election, dissent soon becomes dangerous for Jessup. Windrip forcibly gains control of Congress and the Supreme Court and, with the aid of his personal paramilitary storm troopers, turns the United States into a totalitarian state. While today, Democrats hold the White House and the Senate, Republicans control the House of Representatives, though with a slim majority, and are firmly in control of the Supreme Court. The rhetoric of right-wing politicians, not only in the United States but across the world, are claiming that when in power they can save the nation from sex, crime, welfare cheats, and a liberal press. They will also suppress the ability to think as they are taking away the tools to learn to think.

Sagan was quoted in Lily Splane’s Quantum Consciousness as saying, “It is the responsibility of scientists never to suppress knowledge, no matter how awkward that knowledge is, no matter how it may bother those in power; we are not smart enough to decide which pieces of knowledge are permissible and which are not.” I will take that one step further, it is not just the responsibility of scientists but all educators, librarians, and museum professionals to never suppress knowledge. The far right has always vilified college professors and intellectuals because they fear the truth. They are so afraid of someone thinking freely, that they brainwash people with 24-hour news channels like Fox News and Newsmax. They even seem to be gaining ground with CNN, though MSNBC holds steadfastly to presenting opposing viewpoints. 

Sagan also said in The Demon-Haunted World, “The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.” However, in the current state of America and many other countries with far-right parties gaining ground, fascist conservatives (though not all conservatives are fascist), are fighting to make sure people are not able to hear a better argument. Susan recently sent me a joke that went like this, “How many Trump supporters does it take to change a lightbulb? None. Trump says it’s done and they all cheer in the dark.” It would be funnier if it weren’t so true. For the first 234 years of the nation’s history, no American president or former president had ever been indicted. That has changed this year. Donald Trump has been charged in four criminal cases which include 91 criminal charges over a four-and-a-half-month span, and yet, he is still the frontrunner, and by a considerable margin, for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. 


Former President Donald Trump was indicted yesterday. It wasn’t the first time, nor is it likely to be the last. Yesterday’s indictment was specifically for several crimes associated with conspiring to defraud Americans about the 2020 election (conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding). Each of these indictments is a sad day for the country. Last night, I was watching news coverage about the indictments, and one of the commentators was so giddy, like a child on Christmas morning, that it was disturbing. I know a lot of people will rejoice over the series of indictments against Trump, and I am happy he is facing consequences for his complete disregard for the rule of law. However, I also think each of these indictments are also an indictment of the American people. 

Trump never received a majority of the popular vote, but it still shows that there are a large number of Americans who do not care about the laws of this country or their fellow Americans but care only about having control over others. Supporters of candidates like Trump, Ron DeSantis, or Greg Abbott don’t measure the success of these politicians on what they have done for them but what they have done against those they hate, whether that means someone of a different race or sexuality (among numerous other groups because these same people strive on their hatred of those not like them).

Furthermore, I’m not going to rejoice just yet over Trump receiving his comeuppance, because indictments are only the beginning. I will rejoice (if you can even call it that)  only when he has been convicted and sent to prison. As one commentator said last night, that’s a long way away. Even if he’s convicted, it will be a long process, and sadly, Trump is likely not going to prison until he’s exhausted all of his appeals, if he is ever sentenced to prison time in the first place.

The saddest part of all of this is not only that it shows that democracy in the United States is broken, but that there will still be Trump supporters who will still be Trump supporters when he’s proven guilty and escorted to prison. They’ll see this as purely political. This is a dark period of American democracy. The fact that a Trump was ever elected in the first place shows how broken the United States is. History will not look kindly on Americans of this era. The question we need to worry most about is: Will American democracy survive this era?

Thursday’s Quote

“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.”

– Nelson Mandela

Yesterday marked one year since the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. A gunman walked into a school and killed nineteen children and two adults in the deadliest shooting ever at a Texas public school. It made me think about the priorities in the United States. As far as I know, lawmakers have not passed a single law to try and curb access to the weapons used in these shootings. Though Vermont might with several bills currently moving through the legislature, that is if our Republican governor doesn’t veto them. Even if Vermont does the sensible thing, lawmakers in several states have passed, laws to curb the rights of LGBTQ+ people, and the MAGAts are harassing employees at stores like Target for selling Pride merchandise during the month of June, and it’s not even June yet.

We must ask ourselves why some politicians are not afraid of a mass shooting incident in our schools, yet non-white and LGBTQ+ seem to scare them to death. Where are their priorities? Instead of having sensible gun laws like all other developed nations, which have significantly fewer mass shootings, they focus their fear on taking away rights and trying to shame “woke” individuals. They fear teachers mentioning anything LGBTQ+ related in the classroom. These right-wing legislatures are defunding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs because the thought of DEI policies scares them to death. They’ve banned drag queens from having Drag Queen Story Hour in public libraries or even performing in public. The greatest danger for these politicians is not worrying about students getting killed in their classrooms but that some may be transgender. They deny these kids healthcare because they don’t conform to these bigots’ ideas of heterosexual, Christian, and white racial superiority. They are scared to death that they will lose even the smallest amount of power and control over people.

When Nelson Mandela said, “When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw,” he was talking about apartheid in South Africa. But if a person is denied the right to dress in a way that doesn’t conform to “MAGA values” or even acknowledge diversity, they are making large sections of the LGBTQ+ population outlaws. Sadly, with the current ultra-conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court, any lawsuits against these laws will probably stand, even if they violate the First Amendment, the most fundamental principle of freedom in the United States.

Let’s face it, if you are more afraid of what this might do to a kid in a library…

…than what this might do to a child in a school…

…then you are monumentally fucking stupid!


I haven’t talked about politics in a while, but recent news just makes me smile. 

After flying back to Florida from New York on Tuesday, where he had been arrested and charged with 34 felony counts, the twice impeached and disgraced former president said, “I never thought anything like this could happen in America.” My response: neither did anyone else. The majority of Americans never expected a minority of Americans would elect a fascist wannabe, “billionaire,” reality television personality who ran on his “genius” as a businessman even after having most of his businesses go bankrupt because of his ineffectual business acumen. Who could have foreseen that in 2016, the Electoral College would elect a vindictive, racist, sexist, fascist, failed businessman as President? I know there are times in American history when that was desired by a minority of citizens (1930s or 1960s, to name two decades), but it had never happened. Those candidates failed. 

His speech Tuesday night was filled with lies and misdirection, just like most of his speeches. You can read CNN’s fact check on their website. Sometimes, he just used the wrong words, as in the case when he said, “This is a persecution, not an investigation.” I think he’s confused. It’s a prosecution, not persecution. Besides, the investigation is over, and the charges have been brought. I hope in the end, he will be wearing an orange jumpsuit that will match his fake tanned skin color. I hope justice will prevail. Honestly, I’m not sure it will, but this is not the end of the charges against him.


“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”

—Galatians 5:13

The United States is supposed to be the “land of the free,” yet that is in jeopardy as long as conservative politicians pander to right-wing extremism. They want to deny LGBTQ+ people our freedoms, whether it is making drag shows illegal if children are present, banning LGBTQ+ books in libraries to keep them away from kids, or making it illegal for teachers to discuss LGBTQ+ issues in the classroom. They know that the younger generations tend to be more socially liberal and more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community because they have seen us as “normal” people. We are the same as them, we just love or have an attraction to someone of the same sex, or we are at odds with our biological sex. 

In John 8:32, Jesus says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In that verse, Jesus is talking about being a follower of His, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32) Jesus’s teachings were about love and acceptance. If the truth (reality) of the world is hidden, then we are prejudicing people against those who are different and hiding any differing point of view. It is by telling the truth and teaching children to be honest and loving that we can truly make the United States the “Land of the Free.”

The USA has never been a “land of the free.” It began as a country that allowed slavery, then when slavery was abolished, new forms of slavery were created: sharecropping and Jim Crow laws. LGBTQ+ individuals were always in bondage because they were prevented from living their truth openly and honestly for fear of imprisonment, being committed to a mental institution, or in some areas, death. We are still fighting for our freedom. Coretta Scott King said, “Freedom and justice cannot be parceled out in pieces to suit political convenience. I don’t believe you can stand for freedom for one group of people and deny it to others.” If conservatives and hate groups get their way, not only will we lose the freedoms we have fought for, but eventually, they, too, will lose the freedoms they have become accustomed to. They just don’t see that yet.