Category Archives: Boyfriend

Status Update


It’s hard to believe that June has already come and gone.  I’ve spent most of the month sending out job applications, but so far, I have had now luck.  I’m going to keep trying though.  Another thing that I have been doing is writing.  Nearly everyday, I write something.  I wrote my blog posts everyday, but I’ve written a few blog posts in advance.  I’m working on a new series for my Sunday blog.  I wanted to look more closely at 1 Corinthians 13.  It’s often called the love chapter, and since last Friday, the LGBT of America have a lot of love to celebrate.

I also had phenomenal sex with my boyfriend on Monday night.  It was a kind of going away, because he will be gone nearly the whole month of July.  It looks like my right hand (or hopefully another wet dream or two) will be keeping me busy and somewhat satiated until he gets back.

In addition to writing and filling out job applications, I have also,started volunteering at a museum.  Most museums want someone with some experience in a museum and the volunteer work that I will be doing will let me see all the various workings of the museum.  It is a state run museum and since the legislature of Alabama seems to enjoy cutting their budget,  they rely on a large number of volunteers and part time employees.  Also, on the museum front, I am looking into an online museum studies certificate program that is offered by one of America’s top universities.  It looks like a good program and it will add to my credentials.  Though it’s the least expensive of the programs like this one, it still isn’t terribly cheap, but I think I have found a way to afford it.

I am looking more into museum work.  Five years teaching middle and high school is enough.  God bless the people who make that a lifelong career.  The only teaching I want to do from here on out is college teaching whether it’s full time or as an adjunct.  This doesn’t mean that I am absolutely ruling out middle and high school, desperation drove me to that job and desperation may drive me to take a job like it just at a different school.

So that’s the update from here.  As the motto of the New York Times states this is “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”  

Moment of Zen: My Boyfriend 


Last week, I had nothing that was Zen worthy.  I felt like my world had crashed down on me, but I am so grateful to have a wonderful, thoughtful, and caring man as my boyfriend.  When he told me to meet him last Saturday, I had no idea that he planned on surprising me with that trip up the mountain for dinner.  He’s also been extremely supportive this week, even helping me with job applications.  I couldn’t ask for a better man.

By the way, I used that picture because the guy looks as if he’s trying to find a signal on his cellphone, well that is one of the nice things about that mountain retreat: no cell service (actually it’s just very limited). However, it is nice that you don’t have to worry about being disturbed.  It’s like we are in our own little world together and none of the outside influences can bother us.



I gave my final exam yesterday.  The kids are gone.  There is a little more paperwork to do today, and I have to attend graduation tonight.  Other than that, school is out for the summer.  I am so happy, and for the next few weeks, I’m going to spend as much time with my boyfriend as possible since he will be out of town most of the summer.  I am going to miss him so much.

By the way, my headache finally subsided.  Hopefully, it will continue to get better.

The End Is Nigh

No, I’m not predicting the apocalypse, but two other things are coming to an end this week.  One good; one bad.  The good news is that school ends on Thursday.  Monday is our last full day, and the rest of the week consist of half days for exams.  I’m so excited.  This has been one of the rougher school years, and I can’t wait for it to be over.  However, my week with my boyfriend as I house sit is also coming to an end.  The owners of the house come back on Wednesday.  I will miss sharing a bed with my boyfriend at night.   So this week will be one of hose weeks where it’s out with the bad, but also out with the good.  However, I do have a vacation coming up in a few weeks with my boyfriend that should be quite wonderful.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.

The Way to a Man’s Heart…


The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.  I really do believe this old adage.  Growing up, I loved to watch Mama and Grandmama cook.  I learned so much from them, and then I expanded my knowledge by Food Network and experimenting with different flavors.  By experimenting and learning what spices are best used with what and how t blend flavors, I can often eat a dish once and then replicate it.  My cooking skills is something that I take pride in, even though I know pride is one of the seven deadly sins.

I love cooking for others.  I have had the tremendous joy this week to be able to cook for my boyfriend.  We are getting to spend time with one another while I am house sitting.  My boyfriend makes me so happy.  I’ve been able to to cook each night for him, and he’s so appreciative of my cooking.  It seems to make him happy, which is always my goal when I cook for someone.

I’ve hear all my life what a good husband I will make, but when I cook, I do so because I love it.  I truly do love to cook, and I love to experiment and am especially happy when trying something new pays off.  I don’t know if any of you love cooking, but it’s a wonderful pastime.  And most importantly, it makes other people happy.

The Boyfriend 

I’ve been asked several times about my boyfriend.  Several people have said that it just came out of the blue, and I just started including him in my posts.  So I thought I’d do a post answering some of your questions, but my boyfriend is a private person, and we are both in the closet, so I don’t want to give away too much.
We met back in January when he sent me a message on OkCupid. It was a nice message and most importantly it was more than just a cursory “Hey, how’s it going?”  We sent a few more messages back and forth and then exchanged contact information with one another.  We began texting back and forth.  I personally hate talking on the phone.  I often can’t hear very well on the phone, and I hate the way my voice sounds over the phone.  So we basically texted back and forth getting to know each other.  Then we decided to meet, and I’ll tell you about that in a minute.

First let me tell you about my wonderful man. He’s a truly brilliant man, and I just love talking to him.  He also seems to enjoy listening to me babble on as well.  I have to say that’s an important thing.  I’ve spent my life with most people telling me I’m boring or over their head or just plain tuning me out.  My family does it and even some of my friends do, so when someone is actually interested in what I have to say, it means a great deal to me.  I’m always amazed that I have anyone who even reads this blog, but many of you keep coming back every day.

Now let me tell you something about myself that you probably don’t know.  In person, I am painfully shy unless I am very comfortable around you and know you well.  I’ve always been that way.  I was extremely nervous the first time we met. The first time we scheduled to meet, I was so nervous that I worked myself into a state of nausea and a severe headache, but a friend calmed me down and the next day we decided to try to meet again.  So we met up and he took me to lunch.  As soon as I got in his car, I knew I’d met someone very special.  I was not shy around him.  I felt at ease, and I began to talk.  I will admit that there was a little bit of hanky-panky on the way to lunch, but I’m not gonna kiss and tell all my secrets (he’s a great kisser, by the way).  After we ate lunch, we decided to go to a few thrift stores.  He loves thrift stores, and I needed some props for our play at school (a play that the kids just wouldn’t get behind, and I ended up canceling).

It was a lovely afternoon that day, and I think we both knew that it wasn’t going to be the last time we got together.  I realized that after we parted that first day how much I had talked, and to be honest, I was kind of embarrassed.  I never tal that much with someone I just met, and I was so afraid that I had monopolized the conversation.  When I told him this, he assured me that he loved every minute of it.  Since then we have gone on one or two dates each week.  He is so sweet, kind, and handsome.  I miss him every moment I’m away from him.

The highlight so far has been our mini-vacation together over spring break.  It’s kind of hard finding places to be intimate because it’s not like I can bring him home and vice versa.  So spending a few days together in a beautiful hotel in the mountains was heaven.  I’ll be house sitting for a week next month, and though we both have to work during the day, we can spend the rest of the time together and fall asleep in each other’s arms at night. In June before his daughter comes to spend the summer with him (he is divorced and has a teenage daughter), we are taking a trip to New Orleans for a few days and then going to spend a few days with a friend of mine.  By the way, the friend is the same one I told you came to visit and we all went out.  She really liked my boyfriend, and since I can’t tell my family about him, she’s the most important one I want to know because she’s like a sister to me.  Other friends that I’ve talked to about my boyfriend have been very encouraging as well.  I’m particularly grateful for the friend that calmed me down before my first date, he’s my greatest confidant.  I can’t wait to be away with him in Louisiana so that we can be out and about as a couple.  Sadly, after that I won’t get to see much of him over the summer, but we’ll still keep in touch.  I’m not letting this man get away.