Tag Archives: Weather

Winter Is Here…


I think it’s finally decided to get cold for a little while here in South Alabama. For the next few weeks, the temperature is not expected to rise above the low 60s with lows in the low 30s. I have one friend who would say, “Quit your bitchin’!” But then again he lives in the frigid north. To be honest though, I am not complaining. I love the cooler weather. I have three reasons to enjoy cooler weather. First, I prefer winter clothes to summer clothes, because I usually wear long-sleeved dress shirts to work. Second, you can walk outside without breaking an immediate sweat (It was in the mid to upper 80s just a few days ago). Third, it doesn’t get too cold here in the winter, so it’s never that bad. It could be worse. The high could be -3 degrees as it was for my friend up north.

I used to have a teacher in high school who would always say, “I love cold weather. You can always put on enough clothes to be warm, but legally, you can’t take off enough clothes to be cool when it’s hot and humid.” Unless I have a pool to swim in, I do not like the very hot and humid summers here in Alabama.

I’m hoping it will at least stay fairly cool through New Years, but Alabama winters can be quite unpredictable. I’ve known more than a few Christmases and New Years to be quite warm and short sleeve weather. I never have liked warm Christmases. I prefer a cold Christmas so that you can gather around a warm fire.

So I am going to pose a question for you guys: Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather? Why?